is a website project created by Feel The World, a non profit organization based in Aichi. The aim of this website is to make the “Showa Era Lifestyle Museum” of Kitanagoya City known to English speaking visitors and share with them the rich history and artifacts of Japan’s Showa Era.
This website was built by Reitec LLC in consultation with Feel the World and approved by the Showa Era Lifestyle Museum and the City of Kitanagoya.
For any inquiries related to this website please email

Design Reminiscence Project
“The Design Reminiscence” Project has been launched as a social innovation project with the aim of engaging international students to learn about the Showa Era Lifestyle Museum, and in turn, create digital prototypes to promote the uniqueness of the museum to the greater international community through a design thinking approach. The project is organized within the “Design Thinking” Course taught in Nagoya University of Commerce and Business (NUCB) in autumn semester 2020.A diverse group consisting of members from “Feel the World” non-profit organization, undergraduate students from twenty different countries, and international graduate students all took part in the meaningful project.
The 7-week course utilized reminiscence and design thinking methodology to enable student participants to empathize and create digital prototypes from a user-centric approach. First, Mr. Yoshinori Ichihashi, the museum curator, and Ms. Kimiko Hiramatsu, the founder of “Feel The World” organization presented the museum needs and challenges faced in Kitanagoya City respectively to the student participants. Next, a few graduate students were appointed as Museum Ambassadors (MA) to conduct fieldwork in the museum and create their “Reminiscence Blog” as narratives about their personal inspiration based on the museum artifacts. During the lesson, the Museum Ambassadors presented their experiences and “Reminiscence Blog” to the student participants. The student participants could empathize about the experiential journey as foreign visitors to the museum and create a “Virtual Museum” website as the digital prototype. Finally, the end product was presented to the stakeholders as a tangible outcome arising from the social innovation project.
Through the collaboration, international students have gained understanding about the Show era lifestyle in Japan, fostered deeper relationships with stakeholders, as well as made direct contributions to the community in Kitanagoya City.
*1 The project is titled “Design Reminiscence” as it integrates both Reminiscence method (回想法)and Design Thinking approach (デザイン思考法) in implementation.
Reminiscence method (回想法): The use of museum artifacts to trigger memories of the past as narratives by the participants
*2 Design Thinking approach(デザイン思考法) : A user-centric approach to create innovative solution for museum. It is done through 5 stages, empathy, define, idea, prototype and iteration.
*3 The stakeholders include representatives from Showa Era Lifestyle Museum, Feel the World Organization and Kitanagoya City.
By Goi Hoe Chin