Exhibition period: – From Sunday, November 1, 2020 to Sunday, January 31st, 2021
Since its opening in 1990, Showa Era Life Museum has been engaged in various museum activities for 30 years.
In addition to the preservation and collection of materials related to the history, culture, and cultural properties of this area, which are the basis of regional museums, and research, we are actively collecting and displaying living materials that convey the changes in life in the Showa period, which is said to be a turbulent era. In the form of an exhibition, we have created a perspective that looks at the lifestyle of the Showa era from various angles.
In addition, as a measure to widely utilize the living materials of the Showa period, which have the power to stimulate people’s memories and remind them of nostalgic memories, outside the museum and in the local community, the field of elderly care was one of the first in the Japanese museum world. I have been working on the reminiscence that has been attracting attention recently. By organically linking museums, welfare, and medical care, the reminiscence method has taken root in the community, and now it goes beyond the framework of the care prevention business, and the elderly are deeply involved with the local community centered on reminiscence, and people It is developing into an activity that connects with.
At this exhibition, 30 important keywords will be used to develop the vast amount of materials and characteristic museum activities that have accumulated over the past 30 years, exceeding 100,000, in the next 30 years. I will look back and put together by extracting the collection of. Then, using the trajectory of 30 years of activity as a clue, the issues that will be required in the next 30 years, “What are the things (materials) that should be left in the future?” “What role is expected of the Showa Everyday Museum in the future?” I will think about “what?” With you.